Features of abrasive grains and application


Today we’d like to talk about features of raw material and use.

1. Brown Aluminum Oxide

High hardness + Good toughness

More cracks,impurity,fragile

Suitable for metal such as A3,#45 .,etc iron materials

2. White Aluminum Oxide

Higher hardness + Bad toughness

Suitable for Stainless Steel material

3. High temperature calcined brown aluminum oxide

High hardness +Good toughness + Hydrophilia + Cut-through resistance 30% ↑

Suitable for stainless steel,alloy steel,cemented carbide

4. Coated white corundum

Ceramic coated alumina is a new kind of corundum material, forming after high temperature calcination of white corundum. It retains the sharpness of ordinary white corundum, but improved toughness, no dark fringe inside, and improved crush resistance. Also after coating with metal salt and ceramics, it becomes more cohesive. Cutting disks made from it are sharper and more durable.

Hope we can share more knowledge of abrasives together in future.

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