What are the usual specifications of the cutting disc?

Size of Cutting Discs The cutting disc is divided into ordinary, neutral and super heavy-duty types. The difference lies in its durability. The specifications and models of different cutting discs are different. There are many different types of cutting discs on the market, and Jekkir will introduce them one by one as below. The specifications […]
Abrasive Market Forcast (2021-2025)

As we read from some report from Authority agency,the global abrasives market size is projected to grow from USD 46.4 billion in 2020 to USD 58.0 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2020 to 2025. … However, factors such as uncertainty in economic conditions and rising raw material costs inhibit the growth […]
Features of abrasive grains and application

Today we’d like to talk about features of raw material and use.
Precautions For Safe Use Of Ultra-Thin Cutting Discs

1, Before starting to use the ultra-thin resin bonded cut off wheels, please running the cutting machine for a minute before cut. When replacing the new type of resin cutting discs, please running the cutting machine for three minutes before cut.
Guards and discs on angle grinders

The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight the risks associated with removing guards and using incorrect discs on angle grinders.
Grinding Wheel Tips

Wheel with the grinding process, will become blunt, so in the use of the process to carry out continuous repair, so that the grinding wheel to become sharp again. Below is a description of how to better trim the grinding wheel to maintain higher grinding efficiency and quality.
3 Points You Should Know When keep Cutting & Grinding Discs

Grinding & cutting discs are a kind of special tools for grinding. They are still very common in daily life. When manufacturers buy grinding/ cutting discs, they usually buy a large number of them. This involves coming to grinding wheel cutting discs. Transportation and storage problems, today people discuss what to pay attention to when carrying out transportation and storage of cutting wheels.
3 Fascinating Facts About Cutting and Grinding Discs You Might Not Have Known

Cutting and Grinding Discs are staples of engineers and fabricators arsenals. Without them, there would be no way to smooth welding lines or cut metal quickly. While we use these tools almost every day, there are still many questions to be answered about cutting and grinding discs. So here are three amazing things you may not have known about them!